Tinley Take-Aways

Here’s three interviews with Scott Tinley. Tri-Athlete in July 1984, Triathlon in Oct-Nov 1984 and Triathlon in Jan-Feb 1986. The second interview is with Tinley and 1979 Hawaii Ironman winner Tom Warren. Tom was slash still is a huge San Diego triathlon pioneer slash personality.

Warren has a YouTube channel. And Tinley is occasionally on Instagram.

You can learn more about Triathlon and Tri-Athlete in TSP5. I also spoke about Tinley clothing in TSP12. And I urge you to read two of his books. Scott Tinley’s Winning Triathlon. And Triathlon: A Personal History.

Here are my take-aways from the three articles. In list form. Also. How good was triathlon writing back then! The dialogue. The drama.

  1. Tinley was probably the first athlete to build his brand. He had the cool California look. And he did confident yet funny self-promotion. Then came the clothing brand. Merch!

  2. When Scott Tinley and Dave Scott were swapping Ironman titles in the early-80s, Tinley’s wrote “Beat Dave Scott” on his paddles.

  3. Tinley maintained several side-hustles while he was gradually turning triathlon into a full-time job. Fire Fighter. Marina manager. Lifeguard. And marketing trainers at Second Sole.

  4. Like all the athletes back then, Tinley raced a lot. And mixed up short and long. In 1985 he raced 23 times. Probably 6 half-ironman or longer. And the rest around Olympic Distance.

  5. Although Tinley was better at longer distances, he was a big supporter of the USTS races. He was asked to design the distances used in 1982 and 1983. And saw the short course as the best way to get more people into triathlon and promote the sport. High tides float all ships.

  6. Tinley had other hobbies to take his mind away from the mileage. Listening to jazz. Playing his guitar. And making furniture.

  7. Tinley was a member of the controversial J-David triathlon team. Yes. Yes. Will definitely expand on this soon. He had an office in their HQ and organised the racing and travel schedules for the athletes.

  8. Tinley started racing triathlons in 1976 when he moved to San Diego. Back then you needed to know someone, who knew someone, to find out when and where races were taking place. A bit like 1980s Reading.

  9. Tinley trained a lot. As triathlon back then was a physiological experiment and an adventure into the unknown. From this Tinley finished 3rd at his first attempt at the Hawaii Ironman in 1981.

  10. The July 1984 cover of Tri-Athlete is one of the best triathlon magazine covers ever. Currently looking for a yellow base-layer.


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1984 Almere Triathon